Saturday, August 2, 2008

Good News

So as some of you know, and most of you don't, I'm pregnant! Whoohoo! I'm about 8 weeks, the due date should be around March 10th or so. We've actually known for a while, but at my first check up they didn't think "things were developing as they should." So we were finally able to get someone to give me a one time ultrasound here in Denver and there's a little baby with a big head and a heartbeat. Yeah! It's so exciting. After the miscarriage in April and then my ob's nurse practitioner doing a crappy ultrasound we were pretty worried. It's kinda funny though, it finally feels real and I'm thinking, crap, I'm going to have another baby, can i handle that? I guess that's why the Lord made a 9 month gestation get you ready for the baby. We're really excited though. I'm not really having morning sickness like I did with Zane. Kendall's hoping that means it's a girl. We'll see. I got my way with Zane, kendall wanted a girl then too. Maybe he'll get his little girl.


Tricia said...

WOOO HOOO! I am so excited for you guys. Don't worry Lisa. As mom's we adjust. It's in us. I can't wait! When the kids heard Kendalls' message that is what they were all hoping the news was. Love you guys

The Nelson Family said...

Hi guys, congrats on the bun. It's really good to see that you guys are doing well. Too bad we missed seeing you when you were here in Az.

Take care,