Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

I had a great Mother's Day. It started w/ Zane having a 103.3 fever! Whoohoo! It wasn't too bad though, he was really cuddly and once we got some motrin in him, he was his normal self. Kendall got me a beautiful gardenia corsage to wear to church. Normally, since Zane was sick, I wouldn't have gone to church, but I had to wear my corsage, so we went to sacrament meeting and then went home, no sense infecting all the nursery kids right? Zane was really ticked that he couldn't stay and play with his friends but oh well.

So I got to wear my gardenia for a total of 1 hour, not nearly enough I put it in my hair when we got home. Zane walked in while i was putting it in and said, "Oh Mama, you look like Aunt Kellie!!!" It cracked him up the rest of the day because i had a flower in my hair and looked like aunt kellie.

Hey, i dont mind looking like her, she's beautiful and has great style. Thanks for the compliment zane! My mom came over for dinner and we had a nice afternoon. Overall, it was a great mother's day. Happy Mother's Day to all you other mothers out there.

By the way, why do still look like I'm 15?

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