Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Kids don't learn from kid anyway

Last week I started trying to teach Zane how to swim. I quickly learned what a HUGE mistake it is to teach my own kid. I suggested to Kendall that we have him take swim lessons from a private school where I used to teach. His response? "Why in the world do we have to pay someone to teach our kid, when you have taught so many?" My answer, "He just SCREAMS!"
Well, yesterday Zane had his first official swim lesson with mama no where in sight, or so I thought. At the swim school, parents aren't allowed on deck, because children generally respond better if their parents "aren't watching." Anyway. Zane made it 20 minutes without a tear! I was completely shocked...then he got some water in his eyes. Personally, I don't get it. I've never had a fear of water and I've always thought looking around underwater was fun. Zane, however, freaked out. It was actually pretty funny, but then right after he calmed down, he looked at me, in the room that I thought had mirrored glass. Yup, he could see me alright, and started the "Mama save me" scream. I blew him kisses and his teachers diverted his attention (good job!). He finished his 30 minute swim lesson with only minor screaming and says he hates it and never wants to go back. He'll be back next week and swimming by summer...there has to be a little of my fishiness in him right?

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Nothing could be can't teach your own kids. I want to pull my hair out just trying to "help" Kennedy with her piano lesson.
McKenna and Kennedy were both criers for the first swim lessons. Glad you both survived!